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The Normal Conquest (vocal.guitar stems)

uploaded: Mon, Dec 1, 2014 @ 10:15 AM last modified: Mon, Dec 1, 2014 @ 10:18 AM  (add)
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About refusal to be part of the sausage machine.

Live your own life, living someone else’s - especially if those others are not loved ones- is called slavery!

The late Kurt Cobain once remarked that being anyone but your true self is pointless. Who are you trying to impress and why?

The normal conquest

sometimes we laugh
sometimes we cry
sometimes we live
sometimes we die

it’s human

sometimes we win
sometimes we fail
sometimes in heaven
sometimes in jail

it’s human

is this the normal conquest?
Where no-one quite fits in
and everybody’s jealous
if you’re rich, famous or thin

if you make it you’re a sell out
if you’re lesser known no use
but they’ll never get no golden eggs
from killing every goose

sometimes we hurt
sometimes we hate
sometimes we starve
or put on wieght

it’s human

sometimes we love
and deeper too
sometimes we leak
sometimes we spew

it’s human

"The Normal Conquest (vocal.guitar stems)"
by stellarartwars

2014 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

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