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Spirit Of Freedom (stems)

uploaded: Fri, Oct 17, 2014 @ 2:21 PM last modified: Fri, Oct 17, 2014 @ 2:23 PM  (add)
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Been listening to loads of cool music this week, including Bob Dylan as well as Eternal (the female Crosby Stills & Nash) and Kylie (the female Neil Young!)

This is a hippy protest song which Katie and myself have placed into the public domain.

Great music makes you want to laugh and cry, sometimes both at the same time in a bittersweet, tragic-comic way that made the blues the blues.

Whilst I love electronic and dance music, a lot of the modern stuff is soulless and materialistic- it doesn’t have to be political either, even a love song is good enough for us.

All live, all acoustic, but recorded to a metronome running at 100bpm for remixing.


we were born in the shadow of usurping kings
though we might be slaves
but us slaves can sing
they can break our drums
they can mute our voice
but we’ll never obey
of our own free choice

there’s a light that burns
in the darkest hour
cos the power of love
beats the love of power
they can tell you black is white
and the night is day
but they’ll never take
the spirit of freedom away

they can take true love
and call it a crime
if we don’t serve them
they’ll call us wasting time
there’s no need to fear
‘cos it’s just a game
and enjoying yourself
is no cause for shame

We’d love of course to be able to donate to the current ccmixter fundraiser, but we are so skint we’re short of guitar strings at the mo and smoking butts (baccy, not weed, yep, we’re skint OK) from the ashtray

So hopefully we can help out by donating our writing and playing instead :)

"Spirit Of Freedom (stems)"
by stellarartwars

2014 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

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