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Dollar (vocal and rough guitar)

uploaded: Wed, Aug 28, 2013 @ 3:21 PM last modified: Wed, Aug 28, 2013 @ 3:26 PM  (add)
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A little song inspired after watching some interesting documentaries and conspiracy theories about the problem of debt. It expands the idea of debt from just a money thing to other areas of life such as emotional, spiritual and creative.

Rather like the excellent Bob Dylan, Roy Harper and Maxi Jazz, this work combines the personal and the political. I’ve recorded it to a metronome at 140bpm.
I only want a dollar
a dollar for myself
what I’d really like the most
is not to owe a penny
to anybody else

I wanna pay the taxman
for the welfare cheques I’ve had
pay back Mum for bail outs
when things round here got bad
pay back the composers
whose songs I’ve plagiarised
payback all the folk I’ve hurt
through cowardice and lies

I wanna have integrity
I’ve had it out with fakes
pay off all my overdraft
through any means it takes
I’ll shovel shit or pump the gas
‘cos I’m no longer proud
I wanna get this message out
as long as I’m allowed

I’ve done with male dominance
the women I’ve messed up
the drinking’s coming to an end
I’m near my final cup
I wanna pay back everyone
I’ve screwed with in my life
you can cut my dick and balls off
if you give them to my wife

"Dollar (vocal and rough guitar)"
by stellarartwars

2013 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

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