Imagination Rising Remix Event
Home » People » stellarartwars » "Ghetto"


uploaded: Thu, May 9, 2013 @ 3:15 PM last modified: Thu, May 9, 2013 @ 3:52 PM  (add)
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a little song I wrote a few years back, fitting to the identity project

“Welcome to Essex, England, 2010. Ruled by robber barons and their robot serfs. Pubs boarded up, cripples laughed at and victims of crime drugged up into a vegitative state. Tabloid papers that savagely attack the poorest of the poor, and a government that seems intent on bringing back workhouses. Mansions of financiers build on the tears of poverty. Bands that are just “tributes”.. etc etc.

Still , at least I’ve got some happy pills and a PC and I can amuse myself writing compositions such as this.”

by stellarartwars

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