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Lucky Massive Dangerous

uploaded: Sun, Nov 18, 2018 @ 4:05 AM
FeaturingSiobhan Dakay, billraydrums
Recommends (25)
I drew Siobhan Dakay - happily - always top quality productions and a generous sharer of samples. I initially did a mix of the two most recently shared sample sets, and it was fine, but too easy, so I looked around a bit further back in time and was reminded of this great bass track (The Massive Session) that I always wanted to do something with. So this mix grew out of that. It’s all Siobahn Dakay except that I added some Bill Ray drum loops that I cut from his Freedom Spaz Dance to help support the jazziness.

"Lucky Massive Dangerous"
by Speck

2018 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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