Home » People » martinsea » "blessing#3"


uploaded: Fri, Mar 13, 2020 @ 1:43 PM last modified: Fri, Mar 13, 2020 @ 1:45 PM  (add)
FeaturingManuel Mario Celeste
Recommends (3)
blessing #3

bless my heart
my faithful pumping station
together with my arteries and my veins a comprehensive transport system
for oxygen, nutrients, and for the disposal of used up cells

bless my blood
i love its beautiful pillar box red colour

bless my skin
that protects me, defines me,
enables touch, caresses and comradeship

bless my nose
which helps me cook, enjoy a good meal
and with which I smell the seaweed and the salt sea air

bless my legs
my calves,
my shins, my ankles
bless my feet which carry me from a to b

bless my hands
my opposable thumbs and obedient fingers
capable of so many types of intricate movements
able to make fine repairs
and yet, if need be, my hands can apply brute force

bless my thinking self
with its love for words
with its stupid repetitiveness and obsessions
and its ability to snap out of that
and find new ways

by martinsea

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