Home » People » smileyharly » "Fun Fun Fun"

Fun Fun Fun

uploaded: Thu, Dec 26, 2013 @ 9:58 PM
Recommends (5)

we share the laugh
we share the giggles
all we know is just fun
all we know is just smile smile smile…

all of those awkward words
that coming out from your mouth
all of those nonsense words
that you’re always say to us
they are all just so funny
they are all just so funny
hey ey

we share the laugh
we share the giggles
all we know is fun fun fun fun
all we know is just smile smile smile…
we can laugh so so louuud..

du du du du du
du du du du du

and now I just can miss all those moments
and now I just can smile when I remember about it
but I can’t make it happen again with you
with you u u ..

we share the laugh
we share the giggles
all we know
all we know is just smile smile

"Fun Fun Fun"
by smileyharly

2013 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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