Just a short track for this short pella. I’d been wanting to mix Leza for a while - last time was in 2002, way too long ago. Leza has a raw talent in her vocal performances and is still the only ‘one take wonder’ Íve worked with.
media, remix, bpm_090_095, trackback, in_video, bass, chill, downtempo, drums, female_vocals, loops, piano, non_commercial, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, CBR
Recommended by:
MC Jack in the Box (mcjackinthebox), unreal_dm, Subliminal, panu (panumoon), magmavander, wellman, SackJo22, radiotimes, jobobarikan, Alex (AlexBeroza), CiggiBurns, colab, DoKashiteru, Leza Boyland (Leza2unes), oldDog, grapes, Harald Heukers (h6rald), Joshua Hults (j2theoshgosh), dydjej_inja