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Started Out as Friends (male + female pella parts)

uploaded: Wed, Jan 27, 2010 @ 1:07 AM last modified: Wed, Jan 27, 2010 @ 1:14 AM  (add)
FeaturingSassygal & Unreal_dm
Recommends (5)
Here’s the full male and female parts for our song “Started out as Friends”.
The remix against unreal_dm’s tasty BT can be heard here

Here’s the lyrics;

Started out as Friends

Remember the day
that we all started out as friends
top down gliding
cool wind riding
flying through your hair

Remember the day
when I was young without a care

cast your mind right back
right back if you dare!
We started out as friends
for the first years of our lives
infatuation ends
we were young
but so alive
We started out as friends
you flew north
beyond my sight
and that’s how the journey ends
till I heard from you last night

Remember the day
that we all started out as friends
dress delighting
pulse exciting
flowers in your hair

cast your mind right back
right back if you dare!
Remember the day
when I was young enough to care
Remember the day
you told me
told me that you care!
(I swear)

been feeling so empty
since I left you standing there
started out as friends
for the first years of our lives
now situation mends
Now grown up
gotta get it right
(gotta get it right)

cast your mind right back
right back if you dare!
We started out as friends
you moved north
I headed south
its not how the journey ends
cause your the woman with me now

cast your mind right back
right back if you dare!
We started out as friends
we were young
without a care

Don’t know where this journey ends?

We started out as friends

Scomber, Unreal_dm, Sassygal 2010

"Started Out as Friends (male + female pella parts)"
by ScOmBer

2010 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

Samples are used in: