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Sweet Statutory Luck (live at ccMC)

uploaded: Wed, Aug 19, 2009 @ 12:04 AM
FeaturingUnreal DM & the ccM rabble
Recommends (13)
This is the second song from the warm up in the foyer at the first annual ccM Convention.
Many thanks to Unreal DM and the LAPD.
I had lots of fun playing the tonk with one hand handcuffed to the mic boom.
Thanks for the beer Duckett, I’m just wondering how to drink it while keepn up with Paul.

A little story explaining my troubles down south.
A big southern beer burp for Panu for bailing me out.

Here’s the court transcript;

Sweet Statutory Luck (Greyhound girl)

I was head’n down to Jackson Texas
goin down the greyhound way
then along came a blonde
of the type I’m fond
but I didn’t have that much to say

then she sat right down,
she put her arms around
and said “I guess I’ve been an easy lay”
that’s when my mind seized up
I couldn’t ‘leave my luck
cause when the sun is shining
I’ll be makin hay

cause my mind started fakn and knees started shakn
since I sold my soul in ‘Nam.
I left my clothes in their pose
of them factory rows
and my morals to a man called Uncle Sam..

And then we stopped for a bite at the trucker’s delight
I’m gettn friendly with this girl as I can!
ended spendn the night
kind of feeln alright
in a motel room, out of Sugarland…

And when we woke in the morning
and I got myself clean
such sweeter night of lov’n
there has never been!
She says she’s “not as older
as the girl you’ve seen
and I’ve gotta tell you now I’m not even seventeen”

Oh shit,
Oh fuck!
O lordy
I’m down on my statutory luck

I said to the judge
“that she looked eighteen
and I’ve been down on my knees
I think you know what I mean”
“I spent by best years fightn in some foreign land
and I can tell by your greys I think you’ll understand”

Oh shit,
Oh fuck
Oh lordy
I’m down on my statutory luck
and I’m sure
if I gave myself a slap
I would have freed myself
from this statutory wrap

Oh lord yeah girl

Then I spend some time at the county jail
with all sorts of faggots
with a story to tell
and how I lost my life on a greyhound bus
now I’m pickn up the soap for a guy named Russ.

Oh shit,
Oh fuck!
O lordy
I’m down on my statutory luck
and I’m sure
its not my five year plan
to get caught in the pen
with a statutory man

I’d know freedom
if I’d taken the chance
and kept my one eyed
angry gator deep in my pants
Oh nooo no no

Oh shit,
Oh fuck,
O lordy
I’m down on my stenchentory luck
and I’m sure
it’s not my five year plan
to be sharing mash potato
with the statutory man

Oh yeah
oh girl
got this feeln
that your mixed up in my greyhound world

Scomber 2009 x

I’ll post the pell when I beyond the county line.

"Sweet Statutory Luck (live at ccMC)"
by ScOmBer

2009 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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