Boxcar heading West
uploaded: Fri, Mar 20, 2009 @ 2:42 AM
The second day with the cards determining my fate.
Picked my card this morning and I was happy to choose “blues”. The next card was red, so I had to make it commercially palatable as possible. (black would of meant experimental or alternative). You can read my rules in the forum. As I upload, I also randomly choose tomorrows genre from the deck (see bottom of page) Anyway, for today here’s my nod to Mr Hendrix’s dirty blues (now strangely enough seen as commercial) with Stevie playing guest Wurli. Bill Ray is super solid on the drums (sorry I cut you up a bit). Obama on bass. Its a dirty, nasty affair and I spent a bit of time trying to give it an authentic festival flavor. My voice is a bit shot (probably from yesterdays chanting) but I don’t really have the luxury of waiting for tomorrow :-) I was heading for Hawaii but only got as far as Vegas. So what the hell, here’s today’s song; the pell and full stems are now posted. Here’s the lyrics Boxcar heading West buy me a ticket on a west coast train or fill me up with bourbon then light me up its just the same I don’t know how I could be hurting been dodging darts from you too long now girl I think I’m learning don’t find me waiting at the station boardshorts or winter coat I have to leave without a note no hinting at my destination could make Oahu or Austin not too sure, not waiting you don’t need no masked explanation you’re Satan dressed in white your mother she’s a trained Alsatian I’ll sleep in any sort of boxcar, right through to Phoenix or the Valley if it goes that far. (I’ll take my guitar) boxcar heading west i’ve heard that Californian girls they last or shoot up north to Sarah Palin for some leaking raft or Maui girls they love hibiscus milk bath or down to Tijuana facedown in her enchilina fast ! (areaba) don’t need no masked explanation you’re Satan dressed in drag your mother she’s a trained Alsatian I’ll sleep in any sort of boxcar, right down to Phoenix or the Valley if I get that far. I’ve heard that Vegas girls like spinning roll of a dice would be nice but too much like I’m winning too many neon lights and sinning I’d close my eyes and think of you all night with cards I’m skimming… blackjack, shoot’n craps roulette; I’ve got a jackpot in my belly sunrise not yet? Got to get as far away from you as I can get… Scomber 2009 asongaday Blues,Commercial next songaday Soul, Commercial
media, remix, bpm_100_105, trackback, in_video, non_commercial, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, CBR, acoustic, bass, blues, commercial, drums, guitar, hendrix, male_vocals, redcard, scomber365, wurlitzer
Boxcar heading West
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"Boxcar heading West"
by ScOmBer 2009 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) ![]() Click here for how to give credit and other conditions. |