Endless Goodbye
uploaded: Sun, Mar 1, 2009 @ 8:55 PM
Many thanks to Ciggi and oldDog for a fine arrangement of one of Panu’s Moons most breathtakingly honest and heartfelt songs.
I had heaps of fun wearing a tuxedo when singing this one and I still have the bleeding fingers from the bunch of red roses I was carrying. After the show I was going to present them to the lovely Ms Burns (now I had thoughtfully removed the thorns) but Olddog let out a deep growl from the pit thinking that I was cutting his grass, so I thought better of it. Simply a brilliant song and so glad that Panu has released it into the wild through the sensible tones of Ciggi and her old man. This is song 21 of the next 365 I’ve lined up with my air rifle on the back fence until the police turn up. Hope you like. Scomber2009 asongaday 21_365
media, remix, ballad, duet, female_vocals, male_vocals, orchestral, scomber365, non_commercial, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, CBR
Endless Goodbye
The Mixversation
Recommended by:
Alex (AlexBeroza), BOCREW LAB (D_RAM), oldDog, panu (panumoon), error404 (presse), radiotimes, Subliminal, MC Jack in the Box (mcjackinthebox), CiggiBurns, JazzyV, SackJo22 Found in 3 playlists
"Endless Goodbye"
by ScOmBer 2009 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) ![]() Click here for how to give credit and other conditions. ![]() Uses samples from: |