Imagination Rising Remix Event
Home » People » Calling Sister Midnight » "Gunn Control"

Gunn Control

uploaded: Sat, Feb 16, 2013 @ 10:47 PM
byCalling Sister Midnight
Recommends (26)
Imagine how delighted I was to be assigned to Vidian for the Secret Mixter February assignment. I listened to all the remixes and downloaded the roots and stems samples and went to work, but I kept coming back to one remix in particular.

“Pistolero” which is a remix made from a remix done in 2008 of gobamnit found on I’d include the original link but it is no longer valid.

Once I had isolated that part of the groove, the similarity to Henry Mancini’s “Peter Gunn” Theme really struck me. For those of you too young to know, Peter Gunn is an American private eye television series which aired on the NBC and later ABC television networks from 1958 to 1961.

I also used two samples from Vidian’s “ROOTS (Stems and leaves :)” which continues the association into punnery with a reference to “eats, shoots, and leaves.”

Chopped Snowflakes
Long synth

Then, I went to one of my favorite hardcore remixes, “Ascorbic Acid - Control You,” by Abstract Audio, and was able to find and download the source material for the phrase “control you” — from the 1960s Japanese monster movie trailer in the Prelinger Archives, “Destroy All Monsters.” I isolated the phrase “We are going to control you, now,” shortened it, and lowered the pitch. Source:

Another resource is a US government movie about how to shoot a handgun from the Prelinger Archive.

I also made a video for this release and it’s uploaded to youtube at

"Gunn Control"
by Calling Sister Midnight

2013 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

Editorial pick

This masterfully arranged track has pulse, pull and presence. Working from Vidian’s tight dance beats, Calling Sister Midnight creates a remix thatis compelling, topical and completely engaging. The video rocks too!


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