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Wheels on fire (vocal)

uploaded: Wed, Jul 5, 2017 @ 11:32 PM
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A kind of a contemporary variation on a sonnet, this poem is about one of Australia’s most beautiful tropical rainforest flowers and is dedicated to an early print-maker Margaret Preston who popularised it. The poem was published in May this year and the entire collection is free to download.

Wheels on Fire
Stenocarpus sinuatus

(i. m. Margaret Preston)

Not Dylan’s and not rolling down the road;
A tree of lesser fame.
Banana mini-hands in tropic views
In clusters which explode
To flower-spokes of fire in sunset hues
Which radiate in fireworks of flame!

A passionflower, exotic hanabi
(The Japanese say fire-flowers –
More poetic – fireworks has no soul)
This showy vanity
Saffron/lemon mandala? Parasol?
No. These sparkling inflorescences are ours.

The shriveled flowers are psychedelic spiders
With nectar-seeking parrots rife.
They could be starfish who have lost their way
Or sweets for birds and sugar gliders.

In gaudy tepal radiant display
A dharma spokes-man for the Wheel of Life.

- Rob Walker

"Wheels on fire (vocal)"
by robwalkerpoet

2017 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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