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Muzakashii. Very difficult. Too hard.

uploaded: Thu, Apr 25, 2013 @ 2:15 AM
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Sometimes I get depressed. This one was written on a bad day. Fortunately there aren’t too many…

Muzukashii/ very difficult/ too hard

There’s always the old favourite I choose to be happy.
Put it on your facebook wall and truly believe but today
the crest seems a lifetime ago as I slide down the trough

my mood is Lior’s grey ocean and I’m a cork or a piece
of kelp in that song. Or tossed away like gomi?
It’s a sunny day, belying depression.

depression thinks, therefore it is.
(Cartesian truism? – Stick that on yr fkn wall!) As always
I choose the sweet sadness of Nick Drake on the ipod,

slide further down, isolated, wallowing in self-pity,
a pig in shit. I have a good wife,
good friends, good life

stop feeling sorry for yourself. yet it persists.
get me a gun. I want to shoot
this black dog.

Text © rob walker 2012 (unpublished)

"Muzakashii. Very difficult. Too hard."
by robwalkerpoet

2013 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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