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love at the physio

uploaded: Mon, May 14, 2012 @ 5:52 AM
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love at the physio

not a diamond ad
no softfocus frolicking on a beach
pert breasts or corrugated abs

she’s cardigan
socks and broken
blood vessels

love leads her out patiently
cheers with a joke
guides her fat bum to passenger seat

love lifts her legs
one at a time by fat ankles
buckles up

love drives her home

I can’t even remember why I was at the physiotherapist in Blackwood – probably my dodgy back – but while I was waiting I was privileged to see this beautiful site of a man helping an older lady from the clinic back to his car. They were both overweight but the gentleness in his touch and the way he kept calling her “love” stayed with me a long time.
It was published in Peter Macrow’s Blue Giraffe 3 in June 2006
Blue Giraffe Press
6/16 Osborne St
Sandy Bay TAS 7005
ISSN: 1832-6277
and later found its way into my collection micromacro.
I can also remember reading it live on Arts Breakfast and Writers’ Radio on Radio Adelaide 101.5 FM in that same year.

"love at the physio"
by robwalkerpoet

2012 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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