Imagination Rising Remix Event
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March of the Transformed

uploaded: Sun, Jun 17, 2012 @ 1:06 AM
Recommends (31)
When I received the notification to remix Dff Sound System my first reaction was “Why Me” !!

Now I don’t mean by that, that the music is rubbish, quite the contrary. But it’s not easy listening is it!!

That said after working through 22 tracks I came up with this offering which I think though more structured stills has enough twists and turns to keep with the DFFSS’s sound.

I recommend everyone to take a listen to their stuff as it holds some great musical ideas.

The idea behind the track is as a result of my admiration for the sound designers and composers of the Transformers films. There’s some great work on their productions.

Also thanks to J Brock for his great vocal which I have “Transformed” and I promise to twist him back into shape as soon as possible!!

"March of the Transformed"
by radiotimes

2012 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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