I get what you say
media, remix, bpm_080_085, editorial_pick, trackback, in_video, non_commercial, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, CBR, male_vocals, guitar, bass
I get what you say
The Mixversation
Recommended by:
J.Lang (djlang59), Apoxode, panu (panumoon), SackJo22, Kara Square (mindmapthat), Rewob, ScOmBer, Anchor (anchormejans), Dan_Mantau, Whitewolf (Whitewolf225), jag82 Found in 1 playlists
"I get what you say"
by phildann 2019 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) Click here for how to give credit and other conditions. Editorial pickSoft. Sweet. Tender. This smooth pop offering by Phildann includes a gentle vocal accompanied by delicious guitar musings. This is a good song to listen to if you would like to have some feelings. SackJo22
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