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Friends Don't Let Friends

uploaded: Thu, May 26, 2011 @ 7:44 AM
byMalcolm Lovett
Recommends (8)
John 15:13
Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends

Proverbs 17:17a
A friend loves at all times

Proverbs 27:10a
Do not forsake your friends

friends don’t let friends
drive solo
so low, so low, so low
that they plunge into the abyss of hell
life ain’t going well
one look at them
and you can tell
that Christ does not dwell
in their hearts

and so they’re torn apart
doomed to fail from the start
lost like abstract art
they wander in the wilderness
looking for God
life does not have to be so hard

like us they need to revoke
their driver’s license cards
and let God drive
let Him be the pilot and not the co
let Him grab the wheel and you let go

remember you reap what you sow, so
sow a good seed in your friends
they are broken and need to mend
leading them to Christ is the place to begin
and seeing them in heaven is where it may end

so if you love your friends let them know
if you love your friends let it show
if you love your friends then
friends, don’t let your friends
drive solo, so low, so low, so low

"Friends Don't Let Friends"
by Malcolm Lovett

2011 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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