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Home » People » Kara Square » "The Beauty of Empathy"

The Beauty of Empathy

uploaded: Mon, Sep 29, 2014 @ 3:53 PM last modified: Mon, Sep 29, 2014 @ 4:52 PM  (add)
byKara Square
Recommends (16)
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I picked up my acoustic guitar the other day and started playing this ol’ song. I originally released it with Team Smile and Nod as “ Even Tho.” But I thought it would be a fun thing to put out there for folks to use in a new way… I hope you enjoy it!

You’ll find mono files in the zip- dry and w/ FX.

Contents of ZIP Archive: DRY

  • /Kara Square - The Beauty of Empathy - DRY/Kara Square - The Beauty of Empathy - DRY - Mono.wav (28.17MB)

Contents of ZIP Archive: with FX

  • /Kara Square - The Beauty of Empathy - FX/Kara Square - The Beauty of Empathy - with FX - Mono.wav (28.17MB)

Contents of ZIP Archive: with FX - No Delay

  • /Kara Square - The Beauty of Empathy - FX - No Delay/Kara Square - The Beauty of Empathy - No Delay - Mono.wav (28.17MB)

"The Beauty of Empathy"
by Kara Square

2014 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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