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Identity Pie - Vocals

uploaded: Fri, Apr 26, 2013 @ 9:28 AM last modified: Fri, Apr 26, 2013 @ 9:31 AM  (add)
byKara Square
Recommends (13)
Maybe someone can make use of this??

Here’s the remix where I used TheDICE’s excellent instrumental “Sudden.”

p.s. Dry and FX vox in the zip.

I think of it as a pie
An identity pie
Each slice a different size
And if you take a piece away
Remove it from the pan
Put it into someone else’s hands
Hide it from the whole
If you take a piece away
The crust begins to crumble

I think of it as a pie
An identity pie

I refuse to hide any piece of who I am
There have been times where this has made others uncomfortable
There have been times where this has made me vulnerable
There have been times where this has put me in physical danger
But the consequence of crumbling is a far greater risk
The consequence of crumbling is a far greater risk.

I think of it as a pie
An identity pie

Each slice of my identity perfectly pieces together to form a whole me.

I think of it as a pie
An identity pie.

Contents of ZIP Archive: Vox - Dry & FX

  • /Vocals - Identity Pie/VoxDRY.wav (14.47MB)
  • /Vocals - Identity Pie/VoxFX.wav (14.47MB)

"Identity Pie - Vocals"
by Kara Square

2013 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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