Imagination Rising Remix Event
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El Camino Loco

uploaded: Tue, Feb 13, 2007 @ 11:23 PM
byMC Jack in the Box
FeaturingRan Dumb Dots and Brad Sucks
Recommends (3)
a follow-up to my most recent mashup with ran dumb dots and brad sucks.

a bit of a funny backstory…ran, i had no idea that there was a guitar track for that vocal track when i did the first mashup. your pella was sitting in a folder i have of ccmixter source i eventually plan on doing something with, but i just figured it was a straight pella. i had no idea you had a song behind it until tonight actually, and when i read in your description about trying to channel Neil Young, i decided to go all Crazy Horse on you….

beats by me, bass, random effect noises and vocal shots by brad, and guitars and vocals by ran.

not for the guitar faint of heart…. :)

"El Camino Loco"
by MC Jack in the Box

2007 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial

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