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Over and Out of It

uploaded: Tue, Jun 24, 2008 @ 1:05 AM
byMC Jack in the Box
Featuringthe lost pella all stars
Recommends (5)
ok, blame Victor for this. I really wanted to use all of the pella samples for this, but frankly, some were poorly recorded, some were not mp3, and some were just plain shit. but these were all pretty good from the remaining bunch. the mix is a basic 131 bpm drum looped track with the guitars i recorded earlier. cast in order of appearance is sexy josh, stangus, jonathan coulton, fardink, katherine and justin. i thought the bump bump section ended up with kind of a cool and unexpected beach boys feel (yes, it’s 6 part harmony). i’m now officially done with this brad tune.

"Over and Out of It"
by MC Jack in the Box

2008 - Licensed under
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