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Home » People » Mana Junkie » "To Be Sensitive"

To Be Sensitive

uploaded: Wed, Apr 24, 2013 @ 3:00 PM
byMana Junkie
FeaturingKara Square (Mind Map That)
Recommends (9)
I don’t cry
I hold it all inside
‘Til I’m alone
And I ball

Unlike my dad
He’d get mad
Take it out on us
With his hand
Sometimes with his fist

Now they say that I’m too sensitive
That I care too much how others feel
They say that I should just be a man
And I wish that I could
But I’m haunted every day
By the men who hold us back
Lock us in this path
Of dominance, war, hate
And I see how it could be
If they could just try
To be sensitive.
To be sensitive.

I don’t cry
I drown my sorrows
Every night
At the bar

Just like my dad
But I get sad
Think about the past
All I’d have done
All I never will

Now they say that I’m too sensitive
That I care too much how others feel
They say that I should just be a man
And I wish that I could
But I’m haunted every day
By the men who hold us back
Lock us in this path
Of dominance, war, hate
And I see how it could be
If they could just try
To be sensitive.
To be sensitive.

I don’t cry
‘Cept every single night
That I’m alone
And lost by myself

Just like my dad
He never could
Escape his fucked up ways
Until he was no more.

Now they say that I’m too sensitive
That I care too much how others feel
They say that I should just be a man
And I wish that I could
But I’m haunted.

"To Be Sensitive"
by Mana Junkie

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