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Death Row Poet

uploaded: Thu, Sep 15, 2011 @ 9:39 AM
byMana Junkie
Recommends (5)
As you pass by the other cells
you see their heads hung low
For you are next excecution
In this block known as Death Row

You walk slowly down the corridor
as someone is praying for your soul
And you can hear the silence behind you
Because you are reaching the final goal
They sit and strap you to a chair
And a hood is placed over your head
You can hear the reverend’s voice praying
And once the switch is pulled, you’re dead
Your life had ended for the cause
the people had wanted you dead
No sense of feeling, no sense of pain
It’s over before it’s said.

"Death Row Poet"
by Mana Junkie

2011 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

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