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How I Feel

uploaded: Thu, May 26, 2011 @ 4:21 AM
byMana Junkie
Recommends (10)
words written/spoken by eshar

The mists of time roll gently back
and through the ether she appears
Wide-eyed, her red lips, parted in a smile
She is awakened from a timeless sleep
Back from the depths
Back from the deep

The sky’s much bluer now than her memory recalls
and the sun, golden; it’s rays doth warm her cheeks
rosily flushed from tasting loves delight;
It shines upon the countenance of the wooer of her heart
His kiss the reason she walks in the light

Do you know how I feel
Cos there’s no doubt in my heart
This thing we have is real
and I’ve loved you from the start

Let’s spend tonight together
alone just you and me
this night, and then forever
Cos this love is meant to be

Yes it’s deeper than an ocean
this love that we’ve begun
It’s an all consuming passion
As our two hearts beat as one

This special thing we have together
will endure and never cease,
And every time I look at you I see a masterpiece.
Alone I could not reach the heights that your love takes me to;
The tears they fill my eyes when I think I might lose you.
Not enough words can describe just what you mean to me,
You are my inspiration and I love you completely.

"How I Feel"
by Mana Junkie

2011 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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