His Name Is...
uploaded: Sat, Apr 3, 2010 @ 5:06 AM
I found parabolix - zombie news over at Freesound and thought it would fit in nicely.
media, remix, bpm_130_135, electronic, loops, male_vocals, spoken_word, techno, sampling_plus, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, CBR
His Name Is...
The Mixversation
Recommended by:
Anchor (anchormejans), error404 (presse), Subliminal, SackJo22, Donnie Drost (donniedrost), panu (panumoon), Blake (blakeht), Alex (AlexBeroza), texasradiofish, Scott Altham (scottaltham), timberman (Per), airtone, Zapac, musikpirat, oberonskye (ernestedge1) Found in 1 playlists
"His Name Is..."
by Mana Junkie 2010 - Licensed under Creative Commons Sampling Plus Click here for how to give credit and other conditions. |