uploaded: Sun, Jan 10, 2010 @ 1:35 PM
Lyrics by Anchor Mejans
Ground me… Oh Live one. Big bucket water me. Place me in the center squarely. Hands with not too clean nails… Couch me in warm dirt… Muttering…“there…there”. And always sporting a smile… A smile always… As you softly pat the soil of nourishment around my as yet unbolstered soul. Or sometimes bully fists might pound the blanket banquet of the black earth…Rapid but affectionate bouts of hugs… Strongly presaging what I must endure. All around your golden form gleams Pre-Raphaelite horticultural halos… Revealing a Greater Love - at that moment…Or any season when you come to care and return me To that garden from which The Heart of Eden was dreamed. Figured I do a little house track here. Heard Anchor’s Nourishment and decided to see what I can compose around it.
media, remix, bpm_130_135, reduce_reuse_remix, trackback, in_album, electronic, male_vocals, reduce, reuse, spoken_word, attribution, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, CBR
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Recommended by:
Anchor (anchormejans), rocavaco, timberman (Per), SackJo22, Down With Ben (cuajitoben), Snowflake, jacindae, bigbonobo_combo, oberonskye (ernestedge1) Found in 1 playlists
by Mana Junkie 2010 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) Click here for how to give credit and other conditions. |