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Barbecue Bess

uploaded: Mon, Apr 16, 2012 @ 2:29 PM
Recommends (8)
Did you miss me, CCMixter? Another public domain song—this one originally recorded by the truly awesome Bessie Jackson, the original Barbecue Bess.


When you come to my house
Come down behind the jail
I got a sign on my door
Barbecue for sale

I’m talkin bout my barbecue
Only thing I crave
And that good-doin’ meat
Gonna carry me to my grave

I’m sellin it cheap
Cause I got good stuff
And if you try it one time
You can’t get enough

I’m talkin’ bout barbecue
Only thing I sell
And if you want my meat
You can come to my house at twelve

Now some like it hot
Some like it cold
Some take it any way its sold

I’m talkin bout barbecue
Only thing I crave
And that good-doing meat
Is going to take me to my grave

Some people wants it
Some peoples don’t
If you buy my barbecue
You just won’t don’t don’t don’t

I’m talkin bout barbecue
Only thing I sell
And if you want my meat
You got to come to my house at twelve

Some people wants to know
The regular price
55c you can get some twice

And I’m talkin bout my barbecue
Only thing I sell
And you can get my meat
Any night at twelve

"Barbecue Bess"
by libraryowl

2012 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

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