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Tragedy of Summer and Winter

uploaded: Fri, Feb 22, 2008 @ 11:00 PM
byHT Audio Books
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Written by Hektor Thillet


*The FreeSound Community
*Marcelle B. Jones - Narrator

Tragedy of Summer and Winter

The spirit of winter
And the devil of summer
Played in time together.
A battle of ice and fire lingered
Shook the mortals the earth and the timbers
Tempers rose and dropped forever
Just you wait ‘till I forecast the weather …

They were such 360 degrees of opposite
That they wanted to vanish each other away.
Winter would blow to freeze summer
To the point he’d make him shiver.
Then Summer would make winter simmer
As if trying to have him for dinner…

So the spirit of winter
Abandoned summer in September,
And decided to start a life by himself in December…

After some time
Of being alone they got bored.
And since they missed the other each day more,
They decided to meet through the seasons’ door.

But their passage was denied.
Winter was trapped in December,
And Summer in July.
Missing what they had
Before it withered then Fall.

"Tragedy of Summer and Winter"
by HT Audio Books

2008 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

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