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Earth, Love, Sea (choral joy mix)

uploaded: Thu, Feb 28, 2008 @ 7:44 PM
Recommends (7)
Ruggea’s vocal addition to “our” mix “Earth, Love, Sea” showed the kind of mixter courage I love—a first remix and a first ‘pella all rolled into one new mix. I thought I’d work with the ‘pella (and, being a Kinks fan, twin it an octave lower), and do the nearly unthinkable for me—add a beat not based on rocketry or robotics.

In the space where we meet there must also be earth—and sea—and I’ve added a field sample to mimic the over-flowing joy inherent in this piece. I hope the result is a trip/hop/pop daydream.

A special shout-out to Sam Rensiew, from whom I learn how to daydream, one film at a time.

"Earth, Love, Sea (choral joy mix)"
by gurdonark

2008 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Sampling Plus

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