Resilience Secret Mixter Playlist
Home » People » go1dfish » "ACTA Fool"


uploaded: Tue, Aug 10, 2010 @ 6:33 PM last modified: Tue, Aug 10, 2010 @ 6:35 PM  (add)
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I started writing this as a general treatise on the overuse of lawyers and politics by the (major) music labels. But current events, and convenient rhythmic structures have led it more towards a singular instance of said frivolity.

ACTA, or the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement is a multi-national ‘executive agreement’ in the works. I’d tell you more about it, but the U.S. Government deems the contents of this psuedo-treaty so dangerous that they have refused (on multiple FOIA requests) to release draft texts due to the ever present threat to ‘national security’.

The forms of asshattery being advocated by ASCAP, RIAA and related organizations are largely limited to the U.S. for now, but ACTA aims to bring the corruption to *YOUR* neighborhood.

So please, go read about ACTA now, I pity the fool who doesn’t.

Sung by Snowflake


Projections you can’t meet
Sales are down, sue I-S-Ps
Bury underground
All the sound

A form of piracy.
Can’t play in time
But count their fees.
Once they’re on on the phone
There’s nothing left to own
Till they bill you.

Don’t declassify, we don’t need to know.
Keep out of public eyes, we don’t need to know.
ACTA fool ACTA fool
Fair use illegalized
From your degenerate blockheads.

Your inhibiting
A different brand of listen-ing
Try and understand, that mixing what we can
Ain’t about you

Buried underground is the sound, is the sound.

Don’t declassify, we don’t need to know.
Keep out of public eyes, we don’t need to know.
ACTA fool ACTA fool
Fair use illegalized
From your degenerate blockheads.

Don’t declassify, we don’t need to know.
Kissing ass, Biden your time.
For big or easy dough
Get your laws nice and customized.
Appoint degenerate blockheads
Appoint degenerate blockheads

Oh yeah a fun tidbit about this track, it’s parody/adaptation of an Emily Richards song: “Fashion Hero” from “Can’t Take it With You”.

Fashion Hero is registered with ASCAP, but this parody (the lyrics, Snowflakes performance, and assosciated melody) have been authorized by Emily Richards for release under CC BY NC 3.0 with the agreement to waive any and all ASCAP royalties due in relation thereof.

Please do not try this sort of thing on your own (parodying an ASCAP track on ccMixter). This is a very special case, done with full permission of all copyright holders.

"ACTA Fool"
by go1dfish

2010 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.