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My Prayer For You

uploaded: Wed, Dec 21, 2011 @ 9:06 AM
FeaturingJamendo's Amazing Piano Artist
Recommends (11)
An end of year prayer for everyone. The news is so full of sadness, rancor, nonsense and just downright ill-temper that I had to counter.

I missed you everybody. I hope to catch up a bit and be around more in the new year.

The words:

My Prayer For You

Pray you, believe in something,
No matter what you hear.
Leave your heart wide open,
And do not live in fear.

Live and walk in love,
Care for all you see,
Do not feel alone,
Or ask, who cares for me?

Let proof lie all around you,
Magic fill your skies,
See your smile reflected
In a thousand twinkling eyes.

May warm hugs surround your body,
And laughter fill your ears,
Let strength course through your every vein,
And last throughout the year.

Elise S. Salisbury, December 2011

Postscript…I just googled this title and discovered that there is a Reba McIntire song by the same name and that it has somewhat similar lyrics. While I cannot swear that I have never heard the song (a lot of country music flows though my house) I know I was not aware of it when I wrote this. So Reba if you or your people see this…you’re awesome and I’m sorry :-).

"My Prayer For You"
by essesq

2011 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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