Imagination Rising Remix Event
Home » People » duckett » "Orlando (Switched-On Werckmeister III)"

Orlando (Switched-On Werckmeister III)

uploaded: Tue, May 28, 2013 @ 2:32 AM
FeaturingAnchor/Jaff Seijas, Carosone
Recommends (15)
My apologies for my less-than adequate pitch-shifting abilities, some lines had to cut due to technical difficulties rather than artistic choice. Many thanks for having the chance to tinker with two fine pieces of work, and hopefully the results are at least interesting (as in, “Oh, I see the possibilities that he couldn’t quite pull off perfectly”)..
Anyway, this is far, far past the Identity project deadline, but Carosone’s Giga immediately made me think of Wendy Carlos, who’s never let the fear of synthesizers or microtuning stop her from pursuing her musical dreams.. and “Orlando” just seemed to want to fit in enough places to warrant some adventurous-yet-nostalgic spirit on my part. Enough yakkity, press play!

"Orlando (Switched-On Werckmeister III)"
by duckett

2013 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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