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ManaTyme (Lemonade Mix)

uploaded: Sun, Jul 3, 2011 @ 12:07 AM
FeaturingMana Junkie
Recommends (24)
Sort of Hardcastle-meets-Pepperidge-Farm-flavored…? Had a blast doing this… loads of material to pick from, but what vox to use was a no-brainer! Thanks for such fun stuff to work with, Mana Junkie!

A special dedication also to Sherm Feller, not only the “Voice of Fenway Park”/organist for many years, but also the composer of “Summertime” as made famous by the Jamies (the Boston accent shines forth in that song… “It’s summahtime summahtime sum-sum-summahtime…”)

"ManaTyme (Lemonade Mix)"
by duckett

2011 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Noncommercial Sampling Plus

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Editorial pick

Summer is made for lemonade mixes and Duckett is back with his own special ManaTyme cocktail. Shaken not stirred.

MC Jack in the Box