Imagination Rising Remix Event
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Tools of the Trade

uploaded: Sat, Sep 9, 2017 @ 11:40 PM last modified: Sat, Sep 9, 2017 @ 11:42 PM  (add)
byDoxent Zsigmond
FeaturingAbstract Audio, Mr Yesterday, Martijn de Boer, Speck
Recommends (21)
This is my Secret Mixter remix of Abstract Audio. Quite a bit different from what I normally try to make.

Abstract Audio - beat samples, synths, glitches & atmospheres
Martijn de Boer - bass
Mr Yesterday - D A Ayer - lyrics
Speck - beat sample
Doxent - all vocals, drums, synths, remix

No man owns the sky
or the colors in my eye
my eye
Could I be so blind
as to offer up my mind?
my mind

Chaos scrolls unseen
‘cross the bottom of my screen
my screen
as each new talking head
proclaims that Truth is dead.

We are the ink on the page
hurling shock and surprise:
the black on the white;
both the truth and the lies.
the lies

We are just tools of the trade,
always ready to hand:
to hand
mere knives in the drawer
with no grasp of the plan.
the plan

"Tools of the Trade"
by Doxent Zsigmond

2017 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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