Home » People » Doxent Zsigmond » "Big Stocks Are Falling - Acappella"

Big Stocks Are Falling - Acappella

uploaded: Sat, Feb 14, 2015 @ 1:52 PM last modified: Sat, Feb 14, 2015 @ 1:54 PM  (add)
byDoxent Zsigmond
Recommends (9)
Pell for a remix project, work in progress.
Had a dream today of a big chimney stack that collapsed and hit ground with a lot of debris. Thought it might be cool to write a song. The remix is going to come soon too.


Big stocks are falling
Falling down
Like a Demolished chimney
When debris hits the ground

Big stocks are falling
there’s no sense of it all
No sense in wall street
Can’t find your way out

The higher you climb
The harder you fall
This wicked game
No sense of it all

Big stocks are falling
Nowhere to run
Can’t hide under carpet
When market hits the ground

Big stocks are falling
No value at all
Like toilet paper
Only use for them all

Chorus II:
The higher you climb
The harder you fall
This wicked game
No sense of it all

Nowhere to run
Nowhere to go

This wicked game
No sense of it all

There’s no sense
of it all

There’s no sense
of it all

There’s no sense
of it all

Doxent (2015)

"Big Stocks Are Falling - Acappella"
by Doxent Zsigmond

2015 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

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