Imagination Rising Remix Event
Home » People » debbizo » "Porchcat to Williams (Gonna Write You a Letter)"

Porchcat to Williams (Gonna Write You a Letter)

uploaded: Mon, Aug 30, 2010 @ 5:43 AM
FeaturingPorchcat, Loveshadow, Soundprank, Hamface
Recommends (17)
I also used soundprank’s ‘Parks on Fire’ which I downloaded from CCMixter but don’t seem to be able to link to now.

I saw that Porchcat’s ‘Dear, dear, dear Mr Williams’ hadn’t been remixed yet and didn’t want to leave him out. (I had somehow missed his inclusion in snowflake’s ‘The Song Remains the Same (Mr Williams))Forgive me Porchcat! I was having fun again.

"Porchcat to Williams (Gonna Write You a Letter)"
by debbizo

2010 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Sampling Plus

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