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Home » People » copperhead » "Smile If You Like Free Beer,Dice and Freedom"

Smile If You Like Free Beer,Dice and Freedom

uploaded: Tue, Jul 24, 2012 @ 10:17 AM
FeaturingTeam Smile and Nod , Dice
Recommends (26)
Dice did a remix of my Freedom To Share pella and it gave me a lot of ideas.I thought he did a brilliant job and I asked him if he would post his stems and he did. Basically I chopped up Dice’s mix and used that. I added some cymbals, hats, reworked the lyics and melody and some guitar.

Then I heard the amazing Smile and a Nod,pella and I knew I had to add that too with some harmonies.

This site’s a freedom to share,
a virtual rendezvous.
GEMA, tried to fix that,
gonna be one hullabaloo!

Auditory sensation,
under consideration.
from mass communication.

You just can’t yank our songs,
we are growing strong.
This is a civil wrong,
now just shove along!

Creative commons,Ccmixter,
there’s so much I can do.
GEMA,Your extortion’s,
We just don’t buy into

artist manipulation.
Proclamation, inspiration,
for this insubordination.

"Smile If You Like Free Beer,Dice and Freedom"
by copperhead

2012 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

Editorial pick

Sometime a remix is a remix, and other times a remix is just a great, fantastic song. That is what has happened here, with a melodic and bouncy alt rock or Ska number (you take your pick.)

Collaborating with the Team Smile and Nod group, copperhead has given us a confection that will rot your teeth and give you diabetes… and just generally tickle your ears.

Admiral Bob