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Arena Blanca

uploaded: Sun, Mar 6, 2011 @ 8:43 PM
byHEKTOR THILLET (coffeeeurope)
FeaturingCDK, Silvia O, SUKI
Recommends (12)
First off my respects to CDK’s original track ‘Good Bye Mr. Rogers’ - have always loved that track. I was listening to it by arenas blancas [white sands], at the beach by my house in Puerto Rico and it all went so well together - the music + the beach + the feelings. Silvia O’s Spanish vocals on the original track speak of a lasting love in an almost melancholic and unrequited way, as do SUKI’s vocals which I felt would be a complimenting addition to the whole. Enjoy.

Suki’s lyrics

Corazón vuelve a mí = My heart, come back to me
Te quiero = I love you
No puedo vivir sin ti = I can’t live without you
Quiero enamorarme nuevamente = I want to love again
Eres parte de mi vida = You are part of my life
Te extraño con locura = I miss you madly
Pan = bread
Chocolate = chocolate
mantequilla = butter
Y café = and coffee
¿Cuantas patas tiene el gato? = How many legs does the cat have?

"Arena Blanca"
by HEKTOR THILLET (coffeeeurope)

2011 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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