Mixing-Celebratory Secret Mixter
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How Songs Pop

uploaded: Sun, Mar 21, 2010 @ 3:25 PM
byHEKTOR THILLET (coffeeeurope)
FeaturingTanzmob2000, remaxim, Magdalen Kadel
Recommends (18)
Oi… this was interesting to make. Had to travel to the future and back to get it right. The inspiration behind it is a short story I wrote once…then lost on a computer crash—called the “Digitons” It was about this cool ass city in the future where the hot sport was driving this super dupper fast future cars that drove on trails suspended above the city. Well it wasn’t a sport… it was more of an ilegal practice for juvenile delinquents hehe. Anywho! Music, technology, cars, color and cool ass stuff was the idea… So this mix is sort of my soundtrack to that.

This is mi secret mixter entry; I was asiggned Tanzmob2000. I took his very cool mix “Rumburacknarockoko” and slapped it together with an old pella of mine ” How Songs Pop”; which to me go together in a ultra funky—almost scary way. The pella was based on a blog entry I made on myspace years ago; about the song I happened to be listening to at that moment… In short? its “bolony” which I decided to record for shits and giggles; never thought I’d actually do anything with it—until now hehe. I used sounds effects here as if they were going out of style…”So many colors of sound, so many changing moods… Listen, they’re beautiful, no? Because you know, they don’t ring all by themselves
- They don’t? - No, silly boy. …ehum! sorry, quoting “The Hunchback of Notre Dame…ummm right! Anywho! Yeh! Fun mix! :-P Oh! And my apologies to Magdalen Kadel, alias Makemi, for tampering her vocals into a Psychodelic Singing Banshee — Funny how song just pop eh? *wink*


Main Track - Rumburacknarockoko (Frisur!) by Tanzmob2000 http://ccmixter.org/reviews...

Psychodelic Singing Banshee - Breves dies hominis by remaxim http://ccmixter.org/files/r...


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"How Songs Pop"
by HEKTOR THILLET (coffeeeurope)

2010 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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