uploaded: Sat, Oct 17, 2009 @ 3:11 PM
Had a few volume problems and editing issues that kept bugging me… so here is my final version.
Original Text: This is a mother’s present of sorts… my mom hasn’t been in the best of shapes lately [she’ll survive]. But! Since I am her biggest fan-decided that my next mix of “The Savvy & the Chic”, will be dedicated to her. For this reason I produced this opening piece to the upcoming mix, titled “Carmen”, in honor to her. I love you madre. Lyrics Written & Performed by La_Puerta Purpura de ti = Purpura of you Sombra de la nada = Shadows of empty Cielo sin fin = Endless Sky Mar sin fondo = Bottomless Sea Amor sin base = Love without foundation Paleta sin pintura = Palette without paint Mano sin otra = Hand without a hand Corazón sin sangre = Bloodless Heart Mariposa sin flor = Butterfly with no flower Piedra sin forma = Shapeless rock Ojos sin mirada = Eyes without vision Paladar sin sabor = Throat without taste Dedos sin huellas = Fingers without Print Besos sin sabor = Tasteless kisses Lluvia sin agua - Rain without water Sol sin luz = Lightless Sun Coquí mudo = Mute Coqui Frog Rosa sin olor = Rose without perfume Boca sin beso = Lips without kiss Grito sin eco = Scream without eco Guitarra sin cuerdas = Cordless Guitar Vaso roto = Broken Glass Caminar sin compañía = A Walk with no company Hambre sin deseos = Hunger without desire Paloma sin alas = Wngless dove Mirada al vació = Stare into nothing Día obscuro = Dark day Pavona sin pistilo - Hibiscus without stem Gusano de la nada = Worthless worm Perfume sin olor = Perfume without aroma Amargo sin razón = Bitter without reason Miedo a no se que = Fear of nothing Sonrisa en la noche = Laugh in the night Tantas cosas = So many things Sin sentido = with no sense Siento = I feel Cuando no estas tu = When you are not here FREESOUND.ORG SAMPLES: 18765__reinsamba__evening_in_the_forest 29592__ERH__angels_4 34180__Dalibor__birds_1 20279__Koops__Apple_Crunch_16 37987__sapht___ 13533__acclivity__BumbleBee
media, remix, bpm_110_115, non_commercial, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, VBR, chill, drums, female_vocals, guitar, trip_hop, violin
The Mixversation
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unreal_dm, rocavaco, Donnie Drost (donniedrost), SackJo22, Magic Moon, MC Jack in the Box (mcjackinthebox), max_thehitman, cdala, bigbonobo_combo, Eddy A. Castro Fernandez (eddymosca) Found in 3 playlists
by HEKTOR THILLET (coffeeeurope) 2009 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) ![]() Click here for how to give credit and other conditions. |