Resilience Secret Mixter Mixing in Progress
Home » People » Pat Chilla The Beat Gorilla » "Skyt-zo-fren-ix"


uploaded: Sat, Apr 9, 2005 @ 10:32 PM
byPat Chilla The Beat Gorilla
Recommends (7)
IT IS WHAT IT IS…….now to relieve my chest of the barbell. A couple of weeks ago I decided to quit my job one morning when I woke up. My friends and family still call me crazy because the job paid decent wages, was stable and had a nice title to it (Payroll Coordinator). However, the confines of a 9-5 have been eating at me all my entire adult life and I’ve decided to take the plunge into “whatever” full time. I’m pretty strapped for cash and my paycheck from UPN (for those who know) won’t be here until late June. Still, I’m satisfied with my decision because what people dont know is that I’m much happier doing “ME” than doing what people think “ME” should be doing. My point? I’m always known as the hip-hop guy and thats what people have come to expect from me. Although it is a definite genre of comfort I like trying my hand at other things. So I give you Skyt-Zo-Fren-Ix. The title is more about me and my paranoias than it is about the collage of sounds you’ll hear on the track. Damn, I feel better now!

by Pat Chilla The Beat Gorilla

2005 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
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