Springtime For Trump And Theresa May (inc electric version)
uploaded: Sun, Feb 19, 2017 @ 4:38 AM last modified: Mon, Feb 20, 2017 @ 3:21 AM (add)
Rough protest song about politics, recorded to a 120bpm click.
Lyrics: i’m stuck no fly building up walls to attack you and i the world’s become a smaller place but not for you if they don’t like your face if you’re poor and hold alternative views and aren’t pulled in by the hypnotist news yet if you have cash be as mad as you like be a darling of the rising right you defame a race and the opposite sex but you’ll go to court for your name to protect putting others down ain’t pulling others up except for the wealthy with the game stitched up they can buy up the fool and use them as their tool and there ain’t nothing cool in divide and rule if i gave you five bucks and your neighbour ten would that turn you into jealous men? but rob you less and your neighbour more that’s the backbone supporting every ugly class war
acappella, media, bpm_120_125, sample, alternate, cczero, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, CBR, male_vocals, folk, acoustic, donald_trump, theresa_may, billy_bragg, bob_dylan, politics, protest, rough, guitar, punk, drums, bass
The Mixversation
"Springtime For Trump And Theresa May (inc electric version)"
by Andrew Wainwright Creative Commons CC0 (CC Zero) The artist has waived all rights. Click here for more information. |