Dub Philosophy Revisited
uploaded: Wed, Nov 4, 2009 @ 5:34 AM
I was surprised and delighted that I was paired up with ‘Ghost’ as my Secret-Mixter. It seemed more than appropriate to me for the fifth year anniversary event, since he is the first person who ever re-mixed me and used my vocals; marking my initiation into world of CCMixter. To personally commemorate the occasion, I chose that very same opus offering, Ghosts’ “Dub Philosophy”.
This time I added lyrics and also borrowed from Dr. John Dee - a translation of one of his Enochian Chants. Dee(1527-1608)mathematician, scientist,alchemist,occultist,was also the astrologer for Queen Elizabeth. He devised a scrying apparatus which enabled him to allegedly converse with angels. These discarnate entities gave him the Enochian alphabet and a series of incantations of which - O Belephaë - is included. I also added the cello parts and other instrumental embellishments. Lyrics: O Belephaë O Belephaë O Belephaë O Belephaë Mul Celor Val tul Daphno Sol Meror. O Belephaë Mul Celor Val tul Daphno Sol Meror. If your skies are cloudy And your thoughts unclear Turn your back on Monday For these seven years. Wander through the valley Without food or drink Pen your soul in letters But guard the thoughts you think. O Belephaë Mul Celor Val tul Daphno Sol Meror.
media, secret_mixter, remix, secret_october_09, trackback, in_video, non_commercial, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, CBR, cello, chanting, electronic, enochian, harp, instrumental, invocation, male_vocals, space_choir, world
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"Dub Philosophy Revisited"
by Anchor 2009 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial Click here for how to give credit and other conditions. |