Welcome Home
uploaded: Tue, Oct 21, 2008 @ 2:17 PM
This song was originally intended as a house-warming gift for Kaer Trouz (whose music, kindness and wine expertise has been sweetly and freely given). Ditto Ditto is the author of the music; a warm and friendly bed of welcoming sounds in which I set my original lyrics (not complex, but simple
expressions). Later, Kaer herself added some backing vocals which to me sounded like a choir of French School-children’s angels floating in and around the vocals. Finally, “Subliminal” remixed the whole thing into a lush tapestry. This was a really fun project to be a part of! Lyrics: welcome home its where your heart is you’re not alone everything you love is here everything you love is here Through all seasons sunshine and rain these walls enclose and soothe every joy or pain every pain…or joy………. outside the windows gardens and trees pastures and hillsides stretch towards the sea (miles and miles out to sea) The world awaits you with open hands small town or city your friends may be found (yes your friends may be found) But always a welcome resides in your soul when through these doors in my arms enfold in my arms enfold……….. (additional French Lyrics) Jour après mois Qu’il chauffe ou pleuve Ces murs nichent et couvent Tes joies et tes peines Tes peines et tes joies Ce monde-là t’attend Les mains grandes ouvertes De ville en village Tes amis tu les trouveras Ça oui, tu les trouveras
media, remix, bpm_135_140, trackback, in_video, chill, female_vocals, male_vocals, welcome_home, non_commercial, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, CBR
Welcome Home
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"Welcome Home"
by Anchor 2008 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) ![]() Click here for how to give credit and other conditions. |