Resilience Secret Mixter Playlist
Home » People » Anchor » "ATLAS"


uploaded: Fri, Sep 26, 2008 @ 2:06 PM
Recommends (22)
I wrote these lyrics this past summer when I was exploring the idea of sentiments simply expressed (without too much sophistication), yet still using ideas which perhaps contained metaphor, content and reference. When I heard Khidir’s alluring guitar piece I felt I had finally found a home for the melody. I re-arranged his offering and added some embellishments for a moody song about strengths and weakness; holding it together and letting go.

With such weight
On your shoulders
With such cares no one could see
How well disguised
Are all your follies
How misplaced your agonies

There’s no need for alterations
No assistance
Nor bolstering
Your gaze fixed upon your mission
The taunts of others mean nothing

Yet if but once
You were to falter
Or rest your burden
Un-bend a knee
Perhaps its true
This world would crumble
And from your strengths
Resolve would flee

Yet I keep hoping …Maybe one day
There’ll be a time
When we can say
We’ve no vexations
No disquiet
Just pleasant hours
To while away

*(the pell for this is here)

by Anchor

2008 - Licensed under
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