Imagination Rising Remix Event
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The End of the World

uploaded: Tue, Oct 27, 2020 @ 9:06 PM
byAdmiral Bob
Recommends (19)
I dreamt the world would come to an end.

And at the appointed hour, as the clock struck, I went outside. No asteroid struck. No plane fell. Fate did not clap its hand.

The streets, the houses, they were all still there. The bright yellow orb still hung in its ceiling of blue. But nothing moved. No car stirred. The freeways were still. The birds even kept to themselves in the trees, not daring to expend the energy, lest they disturb the new quiet order.

I came home, and sat in the quiet house. The air hung still, as if time itself had stopped moving. And yet it did not. Spring ticked into summer. Summer became fall. The footfall of summer had come, the evidence was there - camping gear in the hall, clothes still unpacked. Even spring remained, my snowshoes still by the door.

But nothing moved. We are still trapped in this, the end of the world. And try, try as we might, like a spider’s web, the greater we struggle, the longer we remain here, where the world came to an end.

"The End of the World"
by Admiral Bob

2020 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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Editorial pick

Ambient spoken word that is truly terrifying. After Admiral Bob sets the scene with his unsettling, calm storytelling, his guitar illuminates the panic he stirred in our hearts. Speck’s atmospheric synths add to the darkness. Push play… if you dare.

Kara Square

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