by | Admiral Bob |
Featuring | snowflake |
length | 2:59 |
BPM | 81 |
Recommends |
Recommends (35) |
When I’ve remixed snowflake before, it has been to accentuate the melodies. This time, it is to accentuate the anger. What the hell is going on in this day and age? What good are homes that nobody lives in?
media, remix, bpm_080_085, how_i_did_it, trackback, in_video, 60s, female_vocals, guitar, idiots, uncaring, nc_sampling_plus, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, CBR, archive, zip, mid, 0kbps
Contents of ZIP Archive: stems
- /stems/bass.mp3 (4.22MB)
- /stems/drums.mp3 (4.22MB)
- /stems/french-horn.mp3 (4.22MB)
- /stems/guitar1.mp3 (4.22MB)
- /stems/guitar2.mp3 (4.22MB)
- /stems/leadguitar.mp3 (4.22MB)
- /stems/pizzicato.mp3 (4.22MB)
- /stems/strings.mp3 (4.22MB)
- /stems/trumpet.mp3 (4.22MB)
Contents of ZIP Archive: Idiot Politicians
- /IdiotPoliticians.mp3 (697.14KB)
Recommended by:
Snowflake, Subliminal, Alex (AlexBeroza), unreal_dm, urmymuse, error404 (presse), Ivan Chew (ramblinglibrarian), Bocrew, Speck, ScOmBer, Pitx, Anchor (anchormejans), panu (panumoon), Dysfunction_AL (destinazione_altrove), Kara Square (mindmapthat), rocavaco, timberman (Per), CiggiBurns, colab, spinmeister, texasradiofish, Eric ELZIERE (eelziere), Clarence Simpson (casimps1), Artnowprod, Des Baies (Le_Did), BarryMorgan, BubbaDaSkitso, hellcreature, Sturzstrom (tglancy), Gonzo, FabrixXm (fabrix), Octif, Jacob Nowak, Bluemillenium, Ted Stresen-Reuter (tedmasterweb)This upload might be Not Safe For Work