Imagination Rising Remix Event
Home » People » Admiral Bob » "Why?"


uploaded: Tue, Aug 10, 2010 @ 9:11 PM
byAdmiral Bob
Recommends (30)
ASCAP has alluded to Copyleft “forcing” people to share songs for free. But Copyleft is just people choosing to share to whatever extent they are comfortable with. We all have our reasons.

These words are meant to share mine.


Even before I heard of CCMixter, I released songs under a CC license.

Now why would I do this? Why would I give songs away for free? It costs me a lot to make them. You know how much money all this music equipment costs! So why? Because music reaches people. It is the most important thing a songwriter can do. Life is not easy, and sometimes getting to the other side of the day seems to be impossible. If I can sing a little hope into someone - anyone’s - day - then I have done exactly the thing that this musical gift is itself meant for.

It is enough for me, in fact all the payment in the world, if I can ever do that. Mr. Williams, the heart payment of a song is not what the listener can do for me with their admiration or their money. It is what I can do for them. If my song was a balming moment for the woman remembering the father she lost, or the young man who doesn’t know if he can feel anymore, then my heart payment is to give them my song. Not to rent it to them, not to sell it to them, but to actually give it to them.

I am doing this, not, to use your words, “because I am forced to do so.” I do it out of love. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Play Why?

by Admiral Bob

2010 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.